****** Usage ****** From the untrusted network ========================== After installation is done, you will have to create at least one *untrusted* user account as we do not create a default one during the installation process. You can create a new account with the following command line : .. code-block:: shell-session $ sudo adduser --home /var/local/in --gid [KEYSAS-IN_GID] untrusted-user Where *KEYSAS-IN_GID* is the ID of the group keysas-in. In order to avoid keysas-in daemon to be running under root privileges, we take advantage of the rsync binary. .. warning:: For security reasons, sending directories or any kind of archives is not allowed. If doing so, it will be deleted !  To upload a single file : .. code-block:: shell-session $ rsync -e ssh --chmod=ug=rw /path/MyFile.docx untrusted-user@untrusted-ip: To send every files in a directory: .. code-block:: shell-session $ rsync -r -e ssh --chmod=ug=rw /path/MyFolder/* untrusted-user@untrusted-ip: .. hint:: For more convenience, you should of course add an alias to your favorite shell's configuration. For exemple: .. code-block:: bash # ~/.bashrc alias sendfiles="rsync -r -e ssh --chmod=ug=rw" From the trusted network ========================= As for *untrusted* users, you also need to create new *trusted* users belonging to the group **keysas-out** to be able to retrieve files from /var/local/out/ .. code-block:: shell-session $ sudo adduser --home /var/local/out --gid [KEYSAS-OUT_GID] trusted-user Where *KEYSAS-OUT_GID* is the ID of the group keysas-out. Your *trusted* user will now be able to connect with ssh to get the files back and remove them manually.